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Security Services
Restrict passage of unauthorized person to the restricted area on the ports. And improve the overall security stance and architecture of the country

Jamaica’s Aviation and Maritime
Mandate to conduct passenger, employee, baggage and cargo security screening and access control for specially selected ports of entry..

Drugs Trafficking
To secure of the ports of entry/exit, to prevent the trafficking of illicit drugs and other contraband.

Certified to protect
Certified as an aviation security service provider and is the only goverment agency responsibile for providing security and safety services at our island’s aiports, aerodromes and a number of major seaports
The principal arm of the government providing security at international standards
A Message from the Corps
The safety of the Jamaican people is first
Members of the almost 1,000 strong PSC are responsible for securing Jamaica’s three international airports, the aerodromes, cruise ship piers, the Kinston Freeport Terminal, the Kingston and Montego Bay free zones, and the Half-Way Tree Transport Centre

Join our team of professionals. There are always great opportunities for the best security talent to join and grow professionally.
Learn about the locations we protect and serve and why its important to protect them.
Training & Development to Protect our national Interest